Lebol Quality
"Made from 100% organic ingredients, our handmade simnel cake is made with spelt rather than wheat flour. The cake is packed to the rafters with delicious fruits and has a rich, dark and spicy flavour. The cake has a band of handmade marzipan running through the centre together with another layer on top. The finishing touch is 11 balls of marzipan to signify the disciples."
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English folklore has a lot of superstitions attached to hot cross buns. Sharing a hot cross bun with another is supposed to ensure friendship throughout the coming year, particularly if "Half for you and half for me, between us two shall goodwill be" is said at the time.
What Makes Us Unique
Whilst we can't promise that our buns do not have quite the same effect, we can promise that they taste absolutely delicious. Using all organic ingredients, the handmade dough is filled with currants, raisins, lemon and orange peel together with cinnamon, nutmeg and all spice. The end result is a perfect hot cross bun - sticky on the outside but moist and fluffy on the inside.